The Department of East Asian Studies has a strong Chinese Language program, with general instruction available in three levels, from beginning to advanced, plus specialized instruction in advanced reading, writing, and conversation. In addition, there are opportunities for overseas Study Abroad programs.
- Professor Feng-hsi Liu has been the Director of the Chinese Language Program at the University of Arizona since 1991.
- Lecturer Hongyi Jia joined the program in 2017. She received her PhD in East Asian Studies from the University of Arizona.
- Instructor Chia-yu Liu joined the program in 2023, serving as an exchange instructor in partnership with the Taiwan Bilingual Exchanges of Selected Talent (BEST) Program. She received her MA degree from Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages.
- Instructor Xia Zhang joined the program in 2007. She received her MA degree from the University of Iowa.
Together they direct a staff of graduate teaching assistants in East Asian Studies.
Language Testing
For full information, FAQs, and registration links please see the language testing information page.
Placement Exams: Before enrolling in Chinese language classes, students may be required to take a placement exam to determine their level. These tests are given during the week before the start of each semester.
Proficiency Exams: The Chinese Language program offers proficiency exams in Mandarin to allow students to complete their foreign language requirement without taking classes. These tests are given during the week before the start of each semester.
CHN 101 - Elementary Chinese I
Introduction to modern spoken and written Chinese (Mandarin) for non-native speakers. Native speakers may not take this course.
CHN 102 - Elementary Chinese II
Introduction to modern spoken and written Chinese (Mandarin) for non-native speakers. Native speakers may not take this course.
CHN 201 - Intermediate Modern Chinese I
Grammar, reading, and conversation in the modern (Mandarin) language for non-native speakers. Native speakers may not take this course.
CHN 202 - Intermediate Modern Chinese II
Grammar, reading, and conversation in the modern (Mandarin) language for non-native speakers. Native speakers may not take this course.
CHN 301 - Third Year Chinese I
Advanced conversation, grammar, reading and writing in modern Chinese for non-native speakers. Native speakers may not take this course
CHN 302 - Third-Year Chinese II
Advanced conversation, grammar, reading and writing in Modern Chinese for non-native speakers. Native speakers may not take this course.
CHN 415/515 - Advanced Modern Chinese: Readings in Social Science Texts
Study of advanced modern (Mandarin) Chinese through readings in social science texts for non-native speakers. Native speakers may not take this course.
CHN 416/516 - Advanced Modern Chinese: Composition*
CHN 417/517 - Advanced Modern Chinese: Readings in Modern Literature
Study of advanced modern (Mandarin) Chinese through readings in modern literature. for non-native speakers. Native speakers may not take this course.
CHN 418/518 - Advanced Modern Chinese: Conversation*
Study Abroad
Tunghai University, Taiwan, Bilingual Exchanges of Selected Talent (BEST) Program
Summer program: A 6-week program from June 21 to August 2, 2024. This program offers financial support of $2000 airfare and $830 living expenses to selected students.
Introduction video
Application form
Program schedule
Tuition and expenses
Chinese Language Table
The Chinese Language Table is held each Friday, from noon to 1 pm, in the Learning Service Building conference room 107. The table is open to all students who are interested in the Chinese language. Students gather together to chat with each other, with instructors and teaching assistants, read books in Chinese, or practice calligraphy.