Although the countries of East Asia and many of those in Southeast Asia have very distinct cultures, languages, and national identities today, they share one important thing: all have been heavily influenced throughout their history by the world view known as Confucianism. This course is designed to examine Confucianism in Asia through education, and the importance of ritual and propriety. Beginning at the beginning, with the life of Confucius in the 6th century BCE and the principle text that bears his name, the Analects, we will explore the central ideas of Confucianism and their adoption and adaptation by different Asian societies at different times. We will end with a consideration of issues in contemporary Asia and among the Asian-American population in the U.S. that demonstrate the continued importance of this way of thought.
EAS 160A4 - Confucian Asia
Grade Basis
Regular Grades
Course Attributes
Gen Ed: Diversity Emphasis
Gen Ed: Tier 1 Traditions and Cultures/160