John L. Holden is President and CEO of the US-China Strong Foundation, an NGO dedicated to strengthening American capacity to understand China. Prior to joining US-China Strong, Holden was Associate Dean at Peking University and Professor of Management Practice at the Guanghua School of Management. A veteran China expert, Mr. Holden was President of the National Committee on US-China Relations from 1998 to 2005. In 2017 he received the PRC’s highest honor for a foreigner, its “Friendship Award.” Mr. Holden has served as Chairman of the Board of Governors of the American Chamber of Commerce, and held senior management positions at Cargill, Hill & Knowlton, and BankAmerica World Trade Corporation. Fluent in Mandarin, Mr. Holden lived in Beijing, Hong Kong and Taipei for more than 30 years, is a life member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and is Senior Associate at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.
Preceded by Live Public Webcast
Condoleezza Rice, Former U.S. Secretary of State “China and the World”
3:00-3:45 pm, Physics-Atmospheric Sciences (PAS) 224
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