Regional Religious Systems Conference

Feb. 18, 2016

Dr. Jiang Wu was recently awarded about $25,000 by the Chiang Chingkuo Foundation to organize a conference on "The Formation of Regional Religious Systems in Greater China." This conference aims to provide a new perspective to the “old question” of regionalism and localism in Chinese history, thus initiating a renewed research program of historical GIS and spatial analysis for achieving a more complete consideration of the role of religion in terms of regional formation. The conference, open to all, will be held on April 7 and 8 in Silver and Sage Conference Room at Old Main on campus. In addition, two conference participants, Prof. Lewis Lancaster (ECAI Director, UC Berkeley) and Peter Bol (Vice Provost, Harvard University), will give separate lectures on Buddhist studies and online learning on April 6. Please visit our conference website at for details.