Professor Smith to Speak at Symposium “Waiting for the Rising Sun” at SMU in Dallas

March 4, 2015

EAS faculty member Nathaniel Smith will speak on Wednesday, March 4 at a symposium convened by the Tower Center for Political Studies at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, TX. The symposium, “Waiting for the Rising Sun: Japanese New Nationalism and Beyond” is designed to consider changes in Japanese nationalism in the 21st century and its implications domestically, internationally, and in respect to issues in citizenship and immigration. Dr. Smith will present on the panel "Japanese Nationalism and National Identity: The Domestic Context” alongside Thomas Berger (Boston University) and Leonard Schoppa (University of Virginia). Prior to the symposium, participants will be hosted by Former Deputy Secretary State Richard Armitage for a welcome reception and dinner. Papers presented at this symposium are slated to be published as an edited volume.

For more information, please see the following link: