Chinese linguistics students going to North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics

March 10, 2016

Six graduate students who have been working with Professor Feng-hsi Liu have had their abstracts accepted at the 28th North American Conference on Chinese Linguistics (NACCL-28), which is a major international conference on Chinese Linguistics. They are (back row, left to right) Min Chen, Professor Liu, Xiaowen Nie, Yi Wang, (front row) Yu Tian, Xin He and Jingjiing Xu.

They will travel to Brigham Young University, in Provo, Utah in May to make presentations at the conference. Congratulations to all! This will be a great opportunity to showcase some of the research done in our department to our colleagues in other institutions. Here are the titles of their presentations: 

Min Chen        How Learners of Different Language Types Acquire Motion Events Differently:

                        A Study of Russian and Korean Learners of Chinese

Xin He            Testing ba Sentences in Grounding Theories

Xiaowen Nie   Entering the “BEI Era”: Emergence of the New Usage of BEI

Yu Tian           Acquisition of Transitivity in L2 Chinese: The Case of the ba Construction

Yi Wang          A Usage-based Account of the Emergence and Variation of the Constituent dehua

Jingjing Xu      Numeral Classifiers and Grounding in L2 Chinese


For more information on NACCL go to: