How do we know what is good for us, who gets to decide, and how does "healthy" change over time? This seminar explores these basic questions through the lens of Japanese food culture: the dietary trends, choices, and ideas of proper consumption that help shape the relationship between people's bodies and the world around them. We will discuss how and why "eating right" became such an important issue in Japan from the seventeenth century to the present and ask what the everyday experience of eating can tell us about the core themes, concepts, and events in Japanese and East Asian history. By putting Japanese foodways in conversation with global gastronomy, we will investigate what makes food cultural and what makes it historical. This course welcomes undergraduates of all interests and majors, and no prior knowledge of Japanese language or history is required. Additional materials in East Asian languages will be made available upon request.
JPN 362A - The Culture of Food and Health in Japan
Also Offered As
Grade Basis
Regular Grades
Course Attributes
Cross Listed
Gen Ed Attribute: World Cultures and Societies
Gen Ed Attribute: Writing
Gen Ed: Building Connections
Gen Ed: Tier 2 Individuals and Societies
Writing Emphasis Course